Features of treatment and prevention of disease through research Genoderma pharmaceutical and clinical sign of scientists around the world
Cardiovascular system
- Dilating coronary arteries, treat myocardial ischemia
- Lowering blood pressure by inhibiting the sympathetic
- Reducing cholesterol on the artery walls. Anti-platelet aggregation, prevent stroke
- Effective treatment of thrombophlebitis
Endocrine system
- Ganoderma B, C and polysacharride in Ganoderma hypoglycemics effectively in diabetic patients
Digestive system
- Protecting the liver from the toxic effects by active adenosine
- Reducing levels of cell death in the liver hepatitis, prevent complications of cirrhosis in patients with chronic hepatitis by an active mixture of triterpenis
Immune system
- Increasing the immunity of the body, cancer prevention and supportive treatment of cancer due to active polychacarride
- Through active adenosine, Ganoderma has ability to stop the release release factors too complacent, effective treatment of allergies and autoimmune diseases (lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis..)
Nervous system
- Effecting on the central nervous system, treat nerve pain and insomnia
Respiratory system
- Ganoderma is capable of curing cough, asthma, and dissolve phlegm, bronchitis.
General metabolism of the body
- Stimulating the division DNA, increase cell regeneration
- Destroying free radicals, prevent diseases including cancer
- Through active polysacharride, Ganoderma stimulate the bone marrow to make red blood cells and white blood cells, overcoming the decline erythrocytes and leukocytes in patients with cancer chemo treatment
- Reducing the viscosity of blood. Increase the deformation of red blood thereby increasing the oxygen supply to the tissues.